
Russ Buchanan is a still-breathing refugee from the 70s, 80s and 90s pop-rock-country scene who has emerged as a multimedia political malcontent — proof positive that old musicos never die, they blog.

Buchanan was a member of Sugarloaf (“Green-eyed Lady”), Player (“Baby Come Back”) and the pies de resistance of über producer Mike Chapman (Blondie, Pat Benatar, Exile, the Knack, Suzi Quatro, Sweet, etc.), a rock and roll band called Thieves (you wouldn’t know any of their songs, but they did manage to put a few record companies out of business, including Chapman’s).

Buchanan has toured or recorded with Tanya Tucker, Gary Wright, Danny O’Keefe, Exile, Dolly Parton, Peter Ivers, Rare Earth, JJ Jackson, Bobby Sherman (Buchanan’s very first bigtime gig), Michael Landon, Doug McClure and so many others that your eyes would surely glaze over if they’re listed here.

His contributions to Hollywood are almost as eclectic as his musical résumé. From the voice of “Kingfisher,” the philosophical Cajun DJ from “Candyman, Farewell to the Flesh,” to the on-camera role of “Elgart Brunson,” the mucho-macho country singer in the so-bad-it’s…still awful “Rhinestone” with Sylvester Stalone and  the lovely Dolly Parton.

Stallone/Parton flick, “Rhinestone.”

In the movie, Buchanan sings “The Day My Baby Died” [try to ignore the godawful canned applause/laughter] — quite possibly the worst song ever written. “The Day my Baby Died” tells the story of the tragic demise of Elgart’s bride on the morning of their wedding day — a warning to us all to be careful around farm machinery when wearing flowing satin and lace. “Yes, the movie was met with mixed reviews,” says Buchanan. “Some critics thought it was bad and some thought it was worse. But, dammit, I was funny!”

WAIT! I just discovered that somebody posted the CLIP FROM THE MOVIE AT YOU TUBE. I don’t know how long it’s going to stay up (20th Century Fox has a habit of taking these clips down because the execs there want you to spend your hard-earned dough renting or buying the DVD). As of March 30, 2012 it was still there.

Buchanan is also the singing voice of “Jacob” in Dreamworks’ “Joseph, King of Dreams,” and does voice-overs for everything from A&E’s “Biography” series, to the “Don’t Pass Gas” secondhand-smoke PSAs on radio and TV, to Barack Obama’s campaign radio and TV ads, which Buchanan claims, “did the trick.”

“The Russ Buchanan EP” and the “Save the Institution EP”[shameless plug: available at itunes and just about everywhere else] are the first two salvos from his “Political Potshots With a Strong Backbeat” project, and are truly labors of love. As Buchanan puts it, “I know the market for political pop music is about as lucrative as Lithuanian disco these days, but God created ProTools (digital recording) so I could make fun of America’s corporatocracy. It would be a sin to do anything else.”

The first single from the Russ Buchanan EP, “Me and My SUV,”

has become a favorite on comedy radio and is still being played by disc-jockeys who loathe those condominiums-on-wheels that suck up fuel like a 747 and make driving on America’s highways so, uh, challenging.

[Speaking of shameless plugs: Buchanan recently wrote “The Tiger Song” about a tiger he saw back in his touring days. “The poor thing was pent up in this tiny enclosure, pacing back and forth, wanting to be anywhere but where he was,” remembers Buchanan. “It’s been 25 years since I saw him, but I never shook the image. I just imagined what that beautiful, enormous cat might be daydreaming as he paced his day away, and turned it into a song. While writing about the tortured beast, I realized a caged tiger has a lot more in common with we “higher” life forms than we might care to admit.”The Tiger Song” is now available at itunes, CD Baby and all the usual places.]

Be sure to check out Buchanan’s homemade-but-passionate videos from the “Save the Institution! EP” – “Save the Institution! (A Gay Marriage Sing-Along)” and his ode to purchased politicians and health care reform, “All-American Suckers”

A lifelong politics hound, Buchanan has contributed opinion pieces/satire and just-the-facts journalism to the Houston Chronicle, The Motley Fool, The Daily Kos, Op/Ed News, Midnight Graffiti Magazine and many obscure-but-enthusiastic publications.

And now, eager to continue his grouse and carp — without having to worry about rhyming — Buchanan has launched Russ Buchanan: Craving Sense — to vent his spleen, vent others’ spleens — a regular spleen-venting party.  And you’re all invited. BYOS

  1. btchakir says:

    No new updates? You were off to such a good start. Come back with more!
    Under The LobsterScope


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hey Bill –
      You are so right — and I am ashamed — especially after visiting “Lobsterscope” again and witnessing your prolific output. I’ll say it again: you really do one heck of a job with that site, Bill. Anyway, time has been my enemy of late. I know – any excuse will do — but, this “blogus-interruptus” has gone on far too long and I am now suffering from acute blog withdrawal syndrome — if I don’t write some new stuff soon, I am absolutely sure my head will explode. Expect a few pieces in the very near future!

      And, thank you for the encouragement. It is much appreciated.

      Russ Buchanan


  2. Rosemary says:

    Hey Russ,
    I just found your website after doing a long search for info on that jerk Peter Hammond. I got one of those stupid emails about Islam, so I copied your comments to the sender… well said!!!

    I love your comments. You write well. Keep up the good job on your blog. I deleted the one I had about 6 months ago. Got tired after all the ugliness last couple of years.

    I also LOVED the great song you did on Youtube “Save the Institution”

    Right on!!

    Good luck with the job searches… I remember your songs from the good old days with Sugarloaf and Player that you mentioned. That was long ago and far away on another planet in another galaxy… we are getting old…
    Take care!


  3. Rosemary says:

    P.S. You’re cute too! 😉
    Dig the hat!


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hi Rosemary –

      You just made my day. Thank you for the kind, encouraging words.
      Yeah, I just came across a photo of Player at Facebook from a TV show we did back in the covered wagon days. I couldn’t possibly have been that young–ever.
      Really, your attaboy is very much appreciated. This blogging stuff is a fun-but-lonely business.

      Russ Buchanan


      • Rosemary says:

        Yeah, I understand… it seemed like not many people were “listening” and I guess that is true of most blogs. I just came across yours by accident. Glad I did. I really enjoyed your comments… very well written. REALLY. Very witty too.

        I got such a kick out of your comments about keeping Glenn Beck on the air… I agree… that is one of the best things about the First Amendment. I never agreed with the tactic of shouting people down. I figure it is better to let them spew their ignorance so they can show the world what @$$h…. they are.

        I sent an email to some folks to listen to your song and check out your posts. I am in a very conservative area ( a community in Tucson area) and I have to deal with scared old white bigots on a regular basis, so anytime I have contact with a kindred spirit, it gives me hope. Thanks for the lift!

        I tire of the silliness on most blogging or comment sites–the flaming, brainless ad hominim diatribes. I really appreciate your intelligent approach. I also appreciate what you said about the general population not having the intellectual curiosity to delve into issues and learn beyond sound bites, and what they emotionally “rapture” about. I complain about the same things… My comment is oft repeated– “People are sheep.”

        I have fought these ignorant emails until I could vomit. I am really tired of it. Especially since so many come from intelligent, sometimes educated people.
        Oh well… I could vent on and on. But you get my drift– or rather I get yours.
        I will enjoy reading your comments… so keep it up!!
        And keep writing songs and singing… 🙂 I enjoy that too!

        “The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity.” (George Bernard Shaw, The Devil’s Disciple)

        “Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts.” (E. B. White)


  4. Jerry Bonat says:

    I was searching for information on “Dr” Hammond’s rant and luckily found your site with amazing information on him and his writings.
    I have 2 friends who have to constantly be reminded of the need to verify before forwarding garbage that they’ve received and bought into without checking

    Thanks very much-
    Jerry Bonat


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hi Jerry –

      Yeah, there were just too many overtly odd things about Hammond’s anti-Muslim treatise to let it lie. In “Politics of Email…” I included just a tiny portion of Hammond’s world-class nuttiness.

      But, you’re right, the overall message I’m trying to convey in the piece is verify, verify, verify. It is so darned easy to do, there is no excuse to pass these things along as if they are gospel without checking first.

      Thanks for the atta-boy; it is much appreciated,



  5. Rosemary says:

    C’mon Russ! Keep it coming!

    I need some fodder from my kindred spirit to help keep me sane. I need to know I am not alone in the darkness.


  6. Russ Buchanan says:

    Hi Rosemary –

    It’s that damned earning a living part of life that keeps sapping my time for ‘l’blog, but I am — as we speak — working on “Republican Lie #3 that should be completed shortly. I’m also dying to do a piece on the Politics of Sloganeering — I’m running out of time with the election-of-doom fast approaching.

    Kindred spirits, indeed,



  7. […] Buchanan, who I’d never heard of until today but describes himself as “the music world’s premier political malcontent,” posted an entry on his blog […]


  8. I just got my monthly dose of Buchanan. This time it was “Saving the Institution”
    Last month it was “Me and My S.U.V.”
    There just isn’t enough Buchanan stuff out there.
    I’ll be in L.A. in the next couple of weeks working with G.C. Johnson.;
    It would be the stuff of magic to see you.


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hey Mark –

      “Stuff of magic,” indeed. I will send an emailI with my cell number so you can call me when you get in and we can frolic. I saw George on TV or on the Internet or somewhere recently and he looked great. I hope life has been treating you well.



  9. "mllenia" says:

    Loved this older article on NOAA tsunameters…looking for updates ! Thanks for the deets very intriquing…


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hiya Millenia –

      Thank you for the attaboy.
      I reread the piece and regained many of the “deets” my poor brain had forgotten.

      Thanks again,



  10. John O'neil says:

    Hiya Rusty,

    John & Joline, still here, on top of the green, instead of under it. Man those Eightie’s with the Roomates were sure fun!!! Hope you are well.



    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Holy mackerel, John and Jolene!

      I guess “long time no see” would be a bit of an understatement. Look for an email.



  11. Dear Mr. Buhanan,

    I have read with interest your piece on Peter Hammond.

    Though I cannot make heads nor tails about who you are or where you are truly coming from – I did want to say that you should consider yourself a mediocre tip of the iceberg spotter – especially regarding Petr Hammond.

    For more than 15 years I have tracked and confronted this individual – a master prevaricator – really more delusional – a pathological liar. He is a hoax, fraud and “Christian counterfeit” unworthy to even be described as “Christian.”

    I think you and I may have possibly diabolically opposed world views about politics, religion, morality and other issues – but my dear man, you have been far to kind and far too lazy in your research – you have given Peter Hammond a pass.

    James A. Howell
    Pastor and Founder
    Changing Directions Life-recovery Programs


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hello, James A. Howell, Pastor and Founder,

      I’m working on a hunch here, but I get the feeling you are not an admirer of Peter Hammond. In fact, if you believe, as you wrote, that my characterization of Pastor Hammond as a fanatical bigot is giving him “a pass,” I think your dislike of poor Peter may have crossed over into obsession territory. In fact, your inability to see that the subject of Peter Hammond was tangential to “The Politics of Email…,” a post about, uh, the politics of email — not an exposé on a nutty South African minister — suggests your issues with Hammond run deep.

      Regarding our “diabolically” opposing political views, I would hazard a guess that you are right — maybe even diametrically so.

      Thanks again,



  12. Anne says:

    I always loved “Green Eyed Lady” and “Baby Come Back”. Spent many years in radio, played “Baby Come Back” many many times. Saw “Rhinestone” and heard “Day my Baby Died”. Hilarious! (Kick it off. Wichita!)


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hi Anne –
      Thanks for the nice words. Also, seeing the titles “Green-Eyed Lady,” “Baby Come Back,” and “The Day my Baby Died” together reminded me of how, uh, eclectic my music career has been. What was your gig in radio — in Wichita, I’m assuming?


  13. Steven Kitnick says:

    To my old friend! It was nice talking with you today (2/14/2016) after 44 years! Steven Kitnick, Drummer, Brethren, 1968-69.


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hey Steve –

      It was terrific touching base with you yesterday, my old chum — after 700 years, more or less. The astounding thing is, you sound just like I remember.



    • John Oneil says:

      Hey Rusty,

      Joline and I (51st Anniversary) had a great Saturday night with the Roommates last weekend. Portuguese Lounge. Kojak was sitting next to me, advising me of some shots emphasis. 1984 session as I recall.

      That was so cool we were able to do that.

      Hope you are doing well.




      • Russ Buchanan says:

        Hey John – Happy 51st to you and your lovely Jolene. I’m so glad those tapes exist — with good, old Linda shaking the rafters of the Sheraton Universal. Have you converted them to digital?



    • Rusty,
      I’ve been living in Las Vegas since July 1999. Look me up!
      Steven Kitnick


  14. Dearest Russ, I just read your article on “Doing the Corporate Hustle, LA Style. When I read such articles and then make my phone calls and send my emails and await some response…. Never mind you know what responses such emails and phone calls get.
    And then there are these two more recent situation. It really is endemic.

    1. http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/02/12/video-indiana-workers-learn-jobs-going-mexico

    2. http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/06/17/gov-mark-dayton-hails-medtronic-acquisition-for-keeping-jobs-in-minnesota

    I love what you do. It’s emotionally exhausting and miserably maddening. But you do it. And that says everything.

    your friend.


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Drat. I just noticed I never approved this comment. I always forget this part. I am a rotten administrator, but a darned nice guy. I look forward to your arrival in this Valley of San Fernando. By the way, your last email made me brush up on Henry Wallace. Fascinating.


  15. Steve March-Tormé says:

    Hey you, it’s Steve March-Tormé. Drop me a line and let me know how you are.
    Much love,


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Steve – I just emailed you at the address you used to post this. The amazing thing is I was talking about you two nights ago. Then I find your message. Coincidence? I think not.


      • John Oneil says:

        Hey Rusty,

        Sittin’ here playin’ Roommates and readyin’ to go out to some of the beach cities (Crown Plaza, downtown, probably ‘86 – ‘ 87. Linda hasn’t told me yet.) Joel “Rock – breath” was just intro’d along with you guys……….. Man that was fun!!!

        Hope all is well with you and yours!!!

        JohnO’Neil, with Joline


      • John Oneil says:


        “Wooley Bully” just came on! You guys were funny!

        Got a funny story and don’t know if I ever told you. When we first met you in 1981 at the Portuguese Lounge, I was a carpenter foreman out in the Balboa Basin building that big water treatment plant out there in the mid San Fernando Valley.

        Superintendent introduced me to a new hand that was to work with me, called out from “The Hall” (that’s how we do in in the Carpenters Union). This was on a Friday and Lee Maite became one of my guys.

        We all had radios out on the job for music and news, big wide muddy field, and along about mid – morning I had Lee doing a little welding job. I noticed he was pretty good at it and I sauntered over to give a little personal feel to our crew members.

        So I say, “Watcha doin’t this weekend, Lee?” He said, “Going to the Bluegrass Festival over in Bakersfield.” I said that sounds kind cool.

        A little later I walk back to see how the job is coming along, and as a conversational starter I said, “Bluegrass, huh? Do you play?” He said that he did and I thought that was cool.

        Lee wasn’t very talkative, kind of quiet to his bearded self. So when I passed him the next time I said “You ever play for pay?” “Yup.” He said…… “Record?” said I……… He came back with “yeah some of that too.” “Huh.” Says I, as I walked over to another worker.

        When I came around again, of all things, “Wooley Bully” was playing on his boom box KRTH I think. “Hear that O’Neil? That’s Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs. That’s me. I’m a Pharoah…….. Sammy’s muh CUZZIN.” Out there on that mud flat, I couldn’t help but ask how long he had been a Union Carpenter.

        He asked me what time it was. I said about 11:00 o’clock. He said, “Oh, then about five hours.” (We started at 6 in the morning).

        I cracked up! He was a darn good carpenter! He showed me some concert pix that he kept in his wallet. Fascinating!

        I always meant to tell you that one.



        H.C. Olsen Construction

        From: John O’neil [mailto:joneil@hcolsen.net] Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 4:36 PM To: ‘Russ Buchanan’ Subject: RE: [New comment] About

        Hey Rusty,

        Sittin’ here playin’ Roommates and readyin’ to go out to some of the beach cities (Crown Plaza, downtown, probably ‘86 – ‘ 87. Linda hasn’t told me yet.) Joel “Rock – breath” was just intro’d along with you guys……….. Man that was fun!!!

        Hope all is well with you and yours!!!

        JohnO’Neil, with Joline


  16. Russ Buchanan says:

    Hey, John and Jolene – I forgot we even did Wooly Bully. Man, you guys merged me into memory lane. Those were some fun times. By the way, here’s some news — bad and good: Mark Bensi, the guy who replaced our drum machine (and my best friend… if an adult has a best friend, that is), won an Emmy last night. Best Sound (he was the music editor) for Limited Run Series or Movie. It was for an episode of “Fargo.”

    The bad news is Jerry Donahue had a serious stroke. He is undergoing therapy, but for the time being he is without speech and is paralyzed on his right side. I saw him Friday and he was in good spirits. Plus, he recently was able to move his right leg and hand. Pretty darned good, considering the event was just one month ago.

    And no, I hadn’t heard fledgling welder- Pharoah story. I swear, those damned musicians are everywhere.



    • John Oneil says:

      Hey Rusty,

      So so sad to hear of anything bad like Jerry is going through. Prayers for the man! He is one of the really GOOD guys!

      And good on Mark! Those awards are really career drivers!

      Back in 1984, our neighbor and very good friend, raising his 13 year old son (alone), and struggling to make ends meet like all of us, handsome trim colored guy named Darryl Phennessee, lived across the pool from us, there in Burbank behind Vons. One shiny evening he popped into the pool area in front of his apartment and in one hand he had a shiny trophy and in the other a check. “John!” he yells. “I GOT it!” A Grammy! For the best Male vocal quartet. (Two Plus Two). One week later, he was on Michael Jackson’s Bad Tour and toured with Michael for years (one of the four backup singer/dancers)

      He went on with Rod Stewart, James Brown, Neil Diamond and about everyone else! He was the male voice for Dancing With The Stars for years.

      Fun memories!



    • John Oneil says:

      Hey Rusty,

      Hearing about Jerry was so distressing. The announcement is on Google as well.

      So naturally I dive into the Magic Box to see what I can find. Let’s see what your comments might be on this one.

      The one that you would think might be the most thorough would be Wikipedia.

      And there were some other items as well.

      GREAT CREDITS! But one that surprised me was he and brother Mark wrote the score for the movie “The Final Option!” and both of ‘em had grand band parts in the movie. And there were no remarks concerning their credits, as far as I could find! Mark and Jerry looked so alike!

      Preceding the releasing of the film, at the Alex Theatre on Brand in Glendale, Jerry had told me that before they were allowed to release it in The U.S., the title had to be changed. Thus it became The Final Option! Over here! Don’t recall what it was.

      I remember Richard Widmark was a big name in the actor titles, but I can’t remember who the big player for the music theme was… Not Joe Cocker, but something like that.

      Rusty, we been to a billion film releases out here, but that is the ONLY ONE we ever went to, where the entire audience stood up and gave a massive applause!

      That movie played for three weeks and then it disappeared! All at once! This was 1982, ’83, maybe.’84 latest.

      There was rumors that the U.S. government banned that masterpiece!

      Do you recall anything about that? Lotsa conspiracies in those days!

      Loved that movie! I got one of the first VCR’s and video camera in January, 10th 1983… And sure I got bits and pieces The Final Option!



      H.C. Olsen Construction


  17. John Turner says:

    Hey Rusty,
    Let’s see how good (or bad) your memory is.
    I was Deane Hagens’ protege of sorts.
    (In case you didn’t know, he passed several years ago).
    I subbed for him on a gig at the Marine Depot in Barstow you played at with Rick Johnston, and a lead singer whose name escapes me.
    I also played conga and percussion, sitting in occasionally in the band “Razzmatazz” With Lorna Wright.
    Another mutual encounter was a gig we did at a bowling alley bar in Palmdale, or was it Lancaster….lol!
    Another time, I ditched classes in high school to hang out with you and Deane at a recording session for “Mod Squad”, at Glen Glenn, at Sunset and Gower.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t remember me. 🙂

    Love and Peas,
    John Turner


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hey John – deep in the cobwebs of my increasingly feeble memory I think I do remember you. Now if I could only find my keys.
      Are you sure it was for “Mod Squad” and not the “Dirt Gang” movie that I sang on for Deane’s daddy. I don’t remember ever going to a “Mod Squad” session. But, then again….
      Yeah,I heard Deane died. Too darned early. RIP. Have you stayed in touch with Rick? I’d heard he became a computer wizard. I remember him as very bright so it would not surprise me. Plus he used to let me ride his horse all the time — which has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but there ya go.
      How the heck did you wind up in PA?
      By the way, I talk to good old Lorna every once in a while.


  18. John Turner says:

    I forgot to mention Beverly Wright (Garys’ OTHER sister)… She fronted that band Razzmatazz .


  19. love818@cox.net says:

    Hey. man. how you be? Lost track of you for a while. See you’re doin’ fine sans the carcinoid. You still stuck in that sand trap at Wilson?


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Charles! I hope all is well with you and your lovely Dianne.

      Nothing very exciting to report here, other than I have started growing hair on my ears, due to the fact that I have just turned 66 and am increasingly nearing decrepitude.

      Believe it or don’t, I am still working on that album I started recording four years ago. This has turned me into a hermit. I’ve not golfed or seen Denny or Steve in a coon’s age. The record is sounding better than I dreamed it would, but the process is a very lonely business. Even my dog, Darcy, whom I had deemed my co-producer, died on me. Selfish beast. I do see Mark fairly regularly because we play together in a slapped together, trying-to-revisit-our-youth rockandroll ensemble.

      Hey, rather than bore my faithful blog readers with this, I shall email you — provided I have your address. If you have mine (which I’d rather not publish here), please email me, just in case I cannot find yours.



      • John O'Neil says:

        YOU ain’t sixty SIX!!! Sat it ain’t SO, Rusty!!

        In a word, how time’s fun when yer havin’ FLIES!!! 🙂



      • Russ Buchanan says:

        Hiya, John — I will say it ain’t so, but evidence to the contrary is compelling: wobbly knees, increasingly prominent nose and ears, and a tendency to repeat myself, and a tendency to repeat myself.

        Hope all is well with you and Jolene. By the way, I talked to Dave Huggins — remember the guy who was always recording the Roommates, had a daughter (Alicia) and no right thumb (unnamed).


    • John Oneil says:

      Hey Rusty,

      Here is the cover insert for the original Roomates demo tape that Linda gave us a copy of back in 1980 summer up at the Portuguese Lounge Sheraton Universal. Of course we have the tape. J Thought you would like this.

      John and Joline


  20. Philip Natale says:

    Rhinestone was great.
    That’s all I have to say.


  21. Jonathan Scott James says:

    i love dolly. and rhinestone was amazing. i enjoyed listening to the day my baby died over and over.. it has great naivete.. genuinely unrefined and impetuously sickening and insensitive. yet i would like to see a video of the day my baby died


    • Russ Buchanan says:

      Hey, Jonathan — thanks for the kind and astute characterizations of “The Day My Baby Died.” You know, the guy who wrote the lyrics, wrote the screenplay for “Field of Dreams” as well. Btw, there is — or at least their was about a month ago — a Youtube video of the tune. Just search “Day My Baby Died” Rusty Buchanan. Thanks for commenting.


  22. John O'Neil says:

    Hey Rusty, how’s it going with you? I’s still plugging away in construction management/ Very good gig! And I lost track of how Jerry Donahue is.

    Joline doing okay. Still residing in that neighborhood in Burbank.

    Wanna see my invention that I got patented? ‘Green’ renewable-energy appliance called the “california Wind Engine”…. try http://www.cawindengine.com .

    Be well, my friend.



  23. […] the place. Our first taste of this comes by a garbage song from some dude with an acoustic guitar (Rusty Buchanan) and a scar on his face who manages to bring the crowd to the edge of fanaticism before hitting the […]


  24. Carol Cordier says:

    Hey Mr Buchanan I think we know each other from eons ago (Im talking geologic time).

    Tell me if Im right…

    Are you the same Rusty Buchanan whose parents went to Pacoima Congregational Church way back when?

    And who has a beautiful sister whose name begins with a P?

    And whose mother was a beautiful lady whose name started with a E?

    And are you the same Rusty Buchanan who learned Flamenco while in Spain when your dad was on sabbatical?

    Yup, I thought so.

    I still remember when my best high school friend and I came by to use your pool and ended up dunking eggs in Easter egg dye in your kitchen…the dye your mom set up for you to use. You came home and were very grumpy with me and my friend. LOL

    My belated apologies for using up your Easter eggs 😀



    • Russ Buchanan says:

      So it was you — the evil usurper of Easter egg dye. Although I’m not sure about the statute of limitations on egg-dye, I’m glad I finally found you.

      Sure, I remember you. Didn’t we go together to some young folk retreat somewhere (maybe Pilgrim Pines)? Was your mom’s name Muriel? And did you have a sister? (that part is foggy) You remembered my family’s initials perfectly — Pam, my sister and Eleanor, my mom.

      So, uh, what have you been up to for the last five decades? Do you still live in California? I do, in the Valley, no less.

      And yes, after much contemplation I do forgive you — and your friend — for the egg transgression.



      • Carol Cordier says:

        Yep my moms name was Muriel, she died of alzheimers in 2007. My sister Judy died in 1994 of a very rare disease caused by a genetic defect. It runs in the family and now my younger brother Philip has it. I and my older brother somehow escaped.

        It was all your moms fault by the way. The egg dye incident I mean. She invited us in and the rest is history.

        Do you have any idea how much you look like your dad? The resemblance is uncanny.

        I hate to tell you but I watched the infamous Rhinestone clip. Truly sad, but also damned amusing. Now I know youre really just a frustrated actor 😉

        What have I been doing for 50 years?? Yee gawds. Divorced after 20+ years, too many health problems, dropped out of a phd program in Boston years ago (where I met my ex) and never went back (those health problems), no kids (my body refused to cooperate). Despite health issues Ive done so many different things its a bit dizzying. I kept changing what I wanted to be when I grew up (even in my 50s). I may be 69 now but if I didnt have these idiot health problems Id have gone back to grad school ages ago, but in a completely different field.

        My mom, Phil and I left S. Calif. for N. Calif. in 1969 and never returned. I admit the only thing I miss about S. Calif are the warm beaches. I just moved to N. Washington a year ago to live with relatives after my health issues increased. Its beautiful up here but one of these days I might drown in the infamous Pacific Northwest rain.

        Pilgrim Pines. OMG I had completely forgotten that you went the same time I did. Yeesh, that was when I was in my chubby junior high years. My most vivid memory of Pilgrim Pines was first seeing a large pig in a small pen. And second, seeing it several days later roasting over a big fire. I was horrified but I ate some of that porcine flesh (it was yummy).

        Well, it sounds like youve had a successful and satisfying life doing what you loved, making music. You were clearly very takented as a teenager and I always knew you would be successful. But….Bobby Sherman?? LOL I remember that schlemiel very well. What a putz. Forgive the Yiddish, I think I was Jewish in a previous life.

        How is your sister? I remember her and her eventual husband courting each other at Pilgrim Pines. Such a handsome couple.

        Keep in touch!

        Your old friend Carol Cordier


  25. Russ Buchanan says:

    Hiya, Carol — Take it from this lifelong San Fer Valley-ite: you got when the getting was good. This once relatively uncluttered, uncrowded place has become a teeming hell-broth of humanity. Over two million people now reside in this valley. Thirty years ago I moved (with my second wife – no kids) to the outer reaches — where Woodland Hills meets Calabasas — to get away from the crowd, but it has finally found us. We are currently figuring out where to spend our autumnal years. Maybe we’ll buy one of those snazzy motorhomes and travel to death.

    Not to get too personal in this public forum and all, but is the disease that has plagued your family Huntington’s Chorea, by any chance. Good lord, I hope not. Evil disorder that.

    Yes, Pam and her beau, Dick have been married for ever and have three sons — One of which I regularly humiliate playing a Facebook word game. Pam and Dick live in Claremont.

    Dad John and mom Eleanor died in 2005 and 2011, respectively.



    • Carol Cordier says:

      Hi Russ

      Over recent years Id read of some celebrities moving to Calabasas and it took me a while to remember where it was. It used to be the boonies, its sad to think of it becoming crowded nowadays. But Northern Calif. is no different except there they have extraordinarily high housing prices, some of the highest in the nation. To be able to buy a decent unfancy 3 bedroom house in San Francisco nowadays you have to be making a very high income, which is why huge numbers of nouveau riche techies working in Silicon Valley now live in SF and take a commuter train or employer paid bus to work (Ive seen Google and Apple buses but there are many more – long time SF residents complain about them).

      The genetic illness in my family is something called RVCL-S (I wont bother with the very long name). Its so rare (even rarer than Huntingtons disease) that about 5 years ago there were only 11 families affected by it that were then known in the entire world. I guess the Cordiers are the 12th. It involves tiny blood vessels in your retinas, brain, liver and kidneys that deteriorate, die and cut off blood supply to whatever tissue they were in. This is most common, and most devastating, in the brain. It essentially has the same type of slowly degenerative properties of Huntingtons.

      Im grateful I dont have it myself but I honestly thought “it should have been me” when I found out my younger brother had it (hes 13 yrs younger than me, my parents little mistake born when my mom was 1 month shy of her 43rd birthday).

      Im curious, did you make a conscious decision to not have kids? Most people assume I did, but no, I wanted them. But its probably best that I was never able to since I developed health issues, and my ex would have been a horrible father 😮




      • Russ Buchanan says:

        Good lord, that sounds like one hideous disease — with all the misery and horror of Huntington’s and then some. I’m sorry for your brother’s plight.
        The kid thing — or absence thereof — was kind of a combo of career, lack of interest and later, an impossibility. Back in my young adult-ness I was on the road a lot — not a great set-up for being an attentive daddy. Plus, my first wife, Joanne wasn’t all that interested in being a mom then. In my early thirties I stopped touring and began studio singing, playing bass and voice-overwhich would have been fine for hearth and home, but the marriage was getting shaky. I married Jess in ‘87 (Apparently, I only marry people whose first name begins with “J”). We were only semi-interested in having babies, which was OK because it turned out we were medically incapable of making humans anyway.
        Jess, Jo and I have had moments of regret through the years, but not too often and never very deeply. Both of my wives would have been excellent mothers. I, however, would have been a horrible pushover in the discipline department. I would have spoiled my kids terribly and they would have grown up to be maladjusted bank robbers and Trump voters.



  26. […] the place. Our first taste of this comes by a garbage song from some dude with an acoustic guitar (Rusty Buchanan) and a scar on his face who manages to bring the crowd to the edge of fanaticism before hitting the […]


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